It is the kind of trick performed by illusionists who want to make you believe something is floating mid-air. But this new gadget will soon let people perform similar stunts in the office or at home - and there is no magic involved.漂浮法术是魔术师在演出中最常用的手法之一。漂浮鼠标也某种程度给人带给惊讶之感觉,但此款鼠标的设计原理毕竟有理有据,无半分魔法的功效。Prague-based design studio, Kibardindesign, have created a levitating wireless computer mouse known as Bat.此款漂浮鼠标被命名为“蝙蝠”。
设施用于的鼠标垫加装有磁性刚刚的环——让鼠标漂浮在半空的秘密武器。The sleek design includes a mouse pad and mouse with a magnetic ring, which allows it to float in mid-air. It levitates at a height of 40mm on its own or 10mm beneath the weight of your hand.这种刚刚的环可以使不多达人体手部重量的物体飘浮至40毫米的高度,或高于手腕高度10毫米。
Other than looking futuristic, Bat can also stop nerve damage and dysfunction in peoples hands.除了享有未来主义感觉的外观,“蝙蝠”还可以维护手部免遭神经损伤和功能失调——这也是设计者发售“蝙蝠”的想法。Despite already grabbing the attention of the public, the product is still in its testing phase and not available to buy just yet. When it is released it will come in two simple colours - black and white.目前,漂浮鼠标还处在测试阶段,消费者还无法在市场上出售到该款鼠标。如若上市,“蝙蝠”将发售黑白两款颜色可供消费者自由选择。